Call to Book 1-907-965-0130


The Best Fishing is in Craig Alaska. We Have the Fish
Seasons and Dates We Fish
2020 June Kings and Trophy Halibut
June is prime time for king salmon, trophy halibut, lingcod, and yellow eye. We include GAF (Any sized Halibut) into your fishing package for your group. From June 1st-15th your group of four will legally be allowed to keep 2 "any size halibut" under the GAF program. From June 15-30 one "any size" is included in your group's package. These fish can range anywhere from 60-250lbs. GAF halibut are the only way to keep halibut over 38" in Southeast Alaska when on guided charters unless you are one of the few that gets one over 80". Your typical day in June will be an early morning departure to the king salmon grounds. We either troll or mooch for kings and secure a limit of them. This is very fun and exciting fishing as we are usually troll ing or mooching shallow areas for kings. The kings range anywhere from 12-60lbs. We then aim to the halibut grounds where we look for trophy halibut as well as your normal keeper sized halibut. With good weather and sea conditions we run offshore to fish for halibut. We also find lingcod and yellow eye too. It is very fun fishing and for your group to keep a trophy halibut creates great memories and you get to bring more halibut home.
GAF Halibut: GAF is a program that allows us to use commercial halibut quota to get additional "any sized" halibut for guided anglers. We are also commercial fisherman and we own the commercial IFQ that we convert into GAF fish for our May and June groups. If you desire to catch a 60-250lb halibut and have more halibut meat to go home with, GAF fish are included in June fishing packages. This is to give you MORE fish to take home as well has the thrill of fighting and retaining a large halibut.
July 8th-Aug 31st Kings, Cohos, Halibut, Lingcod
July brings in the cohos to the Craig area as well as kings still being around. I start chartering again July 7th after taking the first part of the month to go commercial salmon trolling. We have an excellent run of coho out of Craig due to the fact that we have a very large coho hatchery located here. It consistently has very good returns that start in early July and continues through the summer. The Noyes and Baker area we fish is also world famous for the trophy kings that lurk in July and August. You never know when that 30-40-50 or even 60lb king will take your mooched herring giving you a trophy king salmon. When the big kings are around, we often race the other charter boats in the early morning to be the first to drop a cut plug at the legendary big king spots like Cape Ulika, Seine Rock, and Pineapple Rock. Southeast Alaska is known for it's combo fishing, and during this time from we mooch for kings, cohos, halibut, lingcod, and rockfish. King abundance can vary from year to year, as well as the limits. The cohos grow steadily through July and August, with the largest cohos coming at the end of August.
Dates We Fish
1, 2, 3
5, 6, 7
9, 10, 11
13, 14, 15
17, 18, 19
21, 22, 23
25, 26, 27
7, 8, 9
11, 12, 13
15, 16, 17
19, 20, 21
23, 24, 25
27, 28, 29
31, 1, 2
4, 5, 6
8, 9, 10
12, 13, 14
16, 17, 18
20, 21, 22
24, 25, 26
28, 29, 30

Nancy with a late May King Salmon

Mid June King salmon. So much fun fishing for those kings in June.

Nice mid-July king salmon