Healthy Ocean
Good news. The Craig area is full of feed. Herring, candlefish, krill, and squid are in the stomachs of the kings I have been catching. My sounder is full balls of feed in many of the areas I fish during charter season. These areas include Cape Felix, Veta Bay, Chicken Hole, Little Roller, and Cone Island. Very excited as a fishing guide to see such a healthy ocean as it's been several years since we have seen the big candlefish like I have pictured below. The years we have the big candlefish around seem to be better fishing years. Squid is also a good sign. The last few years the kings have been hanging pretty close to the squid. Downriggers with hoochies seem to be the most productive way to fish these squid eating kings. The squid seem to hang in shallower bays without a lot of moving water. The hang closer to the bottom and the kings will be right there in with them.